Thursday, August 19, 2010

Aylas food ventures

So I thought I'd share things I've been going through with Ayla after reading our recent posts:
Ayla has started to reject the spoon...she wants to feed herself or at the very least be finger fed by us. Unless it's covered in yogurt, or she's cutting a tooth she only wants to put fistfulls of food in her mouth.
So I've been left steaming fruit or squash-like veggies that I cut into chunks she can put in her mouth or rolling pureed foods with a grain so it forms into finger food. The other morning she wouldn't even eat her oatmeal for breakfast (which has been our morning staple) so I ended up putting some joe's O's in her bowl and then covering them with breastmilk. She LOOOOVED it! I've also been experimenting with how much chunkiness she can handle. She loves cherries and toast and is starting to really get into mushing hard things with her gums and tongue. I'm in shock because this has been something that has happened over night. I still offer her pureed foods, and I'll get a few spoonfuls in, but it is hard. The only thing I've been trying to do is always have a different protein offered. So yogurt one meal and then tofu or beans the next. We also have embarked on fish and the other day she went crazy on my meatball sub from Bay City Deli...but I was going crazy on that too...Best Meatball Sub I've EVER had!!

I also think she's weaning herself, which seems pretty natural, given how she's been eating. It's made my nipples sore...I never knew that was possible, and know it's possible too!!


  1. Go Ayla experimenting with her hands and fingers!

  2. Feeding babies (and then toddlers) can be a challenge, yet so much fun. It's so rewarding to see them gobble something up and them slap down on the highchair tray asking for more! Great posts form the heart, here. I've got a bunch of feeding tips on my blog, as well, if you want to check it out.
