Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Puffs and Olives

I am so impressed with Sarah's food for Luca. Some days Birdie will eat everything I offer (the beans, the spinach, the tofu)and other days refuses it all...including her favorites. Last week she had two dinners where she refused to eat anything except olives and puffs..they were the green kind but still. I'll spend an hour during her nap looking through cook books thinking up the perfect meal, then I'll sit her down and she will turn her face away. I would love to try Luca's breakfast of champions..is there a recipe?


  1. Sure, here's how I make it:
    - I buy organic, whole grains at Whole Foods; millet, rice and oats (but I often use the whole, organic baby oatmeal in a box because it is iron fortified).
    - Once a week I ground to a fine(ish) powder the rice and millet or quinoa or whatever grain I want to use (i usually use a combo of two, rice and millet have the longest "shelf life".) Boil 2 cups of water then add 1/4 cup of rice and 3 tbs. of millet and whisk it for 10 minutes. Let it cool in a container that can eventually be sealed air-tight then store it in the fridge for 5-6 days and use it all week. (I got this from the "Super Baby Food" book: http://www.superbabyfood.com/ ).
    - I put about 1 tbs. of the Earth's Best baby oatmeal in a dish and stir in about one ounce of formula. I add about 1 heaping tbs. of the rice and millet and add another ounce of formula.
    - I mash about 1/2 of an organic banana with sprouted, organic tofu or 1/2 of a hard boiled egg yolk and mix it with the grains.
    - Microwave that for about 10 seconds, stir it all really well, and sprinkle wheat germ on top. If I get it a little too warm, I cool it down with a drizzle of organic flax oil from the fridge and stir it all in.
    I also use ground nuts or seeds (raw walnuts usually, sometimes pumpkin seeds, but they have to be ground that moment, they don't keep).

    The consistency is pretty smooth. It's sweet from the banana and formula, so he happily eats it all up. Jo has sometimes slipped a cube of spinach (steamed, pureed, and frozen in cubes) and he doesn't seem to mind it at all.

    I hope it works for Luella!

  2. Coming back to read this a year later, I have to laugh. Luca doesn't eat nearly this well anymore. He is So picky, refuses almost everything and I struggle to get anything green into his diet. Feeding him tops the list of "The Most Frustrating Things About Parenting This Year". It was great when it lasted!

  3. I hear ya Sarah! I was looking through these old posts and wow, Miles was the best eater! From beans to tofu to kale and any fruit in the world. Now it's all about eggs, chicken and bread. (And brown rice....he does love his brown rice). He will rarely touch a fruit, bean or anything green. It's disturbing and frustrating and I truly hope this is just a phase!
